Landing Page Copy:

I’m elated to share this landing page I crafted for EVEXIAS Health Solutions, on the heels of the FDA’s decision to recategorize certain therapeutic peptides to Category 2.

EVEXIAS and I collaborated closely to compose this landing page, which contextualizes the FDA’s decision to recategorize certain peptides oft-used in medical therapies, and also explains EVEXIAS’ closely held belief that fighting to save peptides by donating to the Peptide Legal Fund is essential to preserving patient health autonomy.

Do you need a landing page like this one? After almost a decade of content writing and copywriting in the alternative health space, I understand how to craft landing pages for companies in the world of health SAAS, hospitals, health nonprofits and more that not only convert, but capture your brand voice and attract your target market.

Alexa Peters

Alexa Peters


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