Sponsored Article: Ebony Marketing Systems Boosts Minority and Women-owned Businesses With Determination and Integrity

Ebony Marketing Systems founder Kai Fuentes

Here is a sponsored article I wrote for the black-owned business Ebony Marketing Systems, published in Minority Business Magazine.

The story covers Kai Fuentes, president and CEO of Ebony Marketing Systems (EMS), who is building a thriving business and providing her clients with high-quality multicultural market research. It comes down to two key pieces of advice her parents gave her: “Don’t give up,” and “Your word is your bond.”

Tenacity and integrity are essential to Fuentes, who established the women-owned, minority-owned, multicultural market research firm in 2011, picking up where her mother, the original founder of EMS, left off.

“When mom retired in 2010, I opened my own shop, which is like the sister, if you will, of my mom’s company,” says Fuentes. “I grew up in this business.”

Alexa Peters

Alexa Peters


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