the crown i didn’t want

Crown of Thorns on White Paper Background
Crown of Thorns on White Paper Background

The red-lipped gab and shrill giggles of cat-eyed girls

the ones who spearhead this supposed committee of social niceties 

the ones wearing sequined crowns and smiles laced with artificial sweetener

left me awkard, clumsy, sick—

I was sprawled in that game of 5 finger fillet again

I readied myself for point to pierce flesh

but I removed my hand from their dangerous game

I grabbed handfuls of the sequins, sparkles, buttons instead

and crafted a crown but didn’t wear it

(I didn’t want it)

I just held it and considered

how the heat of the glue gun melted the plastic easily

so easily


Picture of Alexa Peters

Alexa Peters


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