Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday

Thanksgiving pray
Thanksgiving pray

Not gift-full Christmas!? Not Hallowscream?! Not Cinco de Drinko!? Not the (blow off your) Fourth (finger) of July?! What has gotten into you, Alexa?

I swear, I swear, I can explain!!

Firstly, I LOVE food, especially Thanksgiving food.  (Pie. Mashed Taters. Cranberries. Turkey. Yams. Did I mention, PIE?!)

Secondly, I love our annual tradition. My family spends the holiday at my godparent’s house with a bunch of our closest friends. My extended family lives far away and we rarely see each other, but for me, family doesn’t really mean blood relation. These friends are my family and I love them all dearly.

Thirdly, I love that the whole night is full of laughter and playing music. It’s not like Christmas where there’s an expectation for gifts. It’s about being together!

And most importantly, I love that it gives me an excuse to go on and on about why I love my life so much.

I mean, check this out: I have a family that loves and supports me, a plethora of amazing friends that know and love me for who I really am, I’m going to a great University studying exactly what I love most, I’m good at what I’m studying, I live in a beautiful city, everyday I encounter more and more opportunities and great people, I know and love who I am becoming and I’m excited for what the future holds. Seriously, I could go on all day, but I’ll spare you my corny, self-indulgent list.

In short, I’m incredibly thankful. I have a beautiful life.

And to be honest, so do you! We all have beautiful lives, or at least a little beauty in our lives to be thankful for–it’s just a matter of looking for it.

So today, even if all you really want to do is escape your bizarro family and shoot off a bottle rocket, I challenge you to find something beautiful that you’ve never noticed before. Find it and be thankful for it.

Oh yeah, and eat that fourth piece of pie with no regrets. STUFF YOUR FACE.

Picture of Alexa Peters

Alexa Peters


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