Leaf Report: Understanding CBD Extraction Methods
Here’s an article about CBD extraction, published on Leaf Report.
Here’s an article about CBD extraction, published on Leaf Report.
As part of my work with Omari Salisbury’s Converge Media, a new media start-up in Seattle that was formed to cover around the local George
For this piece, I interviewed polyamorous and non-monogamous folks from through Washington state and the country to learn about how they proceed with their way of life during social distancing.
I acted as one of the editors of this piece for Leafly, written by Bruce Kennedy, about the trial of two dispensary owners in January 2019.
Here is a sample of my editing/proofreading work. For this piece about a Brooklyn dispensary, I acted as one of the editors of Max Levenson’s writing, helping to organize the piece in a way that made sense while also evaluating conventions, style and voice.
I wrote this blog for Microsoft about how Miami Heat boosted ticket sales through Microsoft Dynamics 365 integration.
Here’s an article about CBD extraction, published on Leaf Report.
As part of my work with Omari Salisbury’s Converge Media, a new media start-up in Seattle that was formed to cover around the local George
For this piece, I interviewed polyamorous and non-monogamous folks from through Washington state and the country to learn about how they proceed with their way of life during social distancing.
I acted as one of the editors of this piece for Leafly, written by Bruce Kennedy, about the trial of two dispensary owners in January 2019.
Here is a sample of my editing/proofreading work. For this piece about a Brooklyn dispensary, I acted as one of the editors of Max Levenson’s writing, helping to organize the piece in a way that made sense while also evaluating conventions, style and voice.
I wrote this blog for Microsoft about how Miami Heat boosted ticket sales through Microsoft Dynamics 365 integration.
It’s been said that jazz, at its best, bridges differences and amplifies diverse voices. Sure
© 2020 Alexa Peters Writes